12 professionals
How to protect against covid-19 while protecting our skin hands?
How to protect against covid-19 while protecting our skin hands?
Salvert M.1, Drulhon F.2, Buisson A.1, Delerue P.2, Moulin P.2, Chavagnac-Bonneville M.3, Guittet N.2, Puravel L.2, Dulau M-P.2, Ardiet N.1, Dréno B.4, and Guyoux A.2
1Cutaneous Investigation and Research Center (CIREC), NAOS, Research and Development Department, Lyon, France
2NAOS, Research and Development Department, Aix-en-Provence, France
3 NAOS, Research and Development Department, Lyon, France
4Dermatology Department, CHU Nantes, CIC 1413, CRCINA, University Nantes, Nantes, France
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Frequent use of hand sanitizer can cause skin barrier alterations (hydrolipidic film and intercellular lipidic cement disruption) leading to dryness, scaling, itching, burning and even erosions and cracks. Therefore, we developed a safe and efficient alcohol-based formula for hand disinfection according to US FDA and WHO recommendations, that we enriched with lipids. This patented Lipo alcoholic Biphase (LB) is composed of 10% biomimetic oily phase (shea oil, squalane), 74.5% (m/m) ethanol, water, and a blue dye to confirm the good homogeneity after shaking. The aim of this work is to assess the immediate and long-lasting protection effect of the Lipo alcoholic Biphase on skin barrier, versus a standard hydroalcoholic solution (HS) with glycerin.
The virucidal activity against enveloped virus (including SARS-CoV-2) was evaluated in clean conditions by the standard test NF EN 14476+A2, the bacterial activity by NF EN 13727+A2 test and the yeasticidal activity by NF EN 13624 test. To evaluate the immediate protecting effect, the residual oily film was measured using a sebumeter on the forearms of 10 females (aged 22 to 43) before, immediately and 15 minutes after a single application of the LB or of the HS (2.4 μl/cm²). In a single-blind study, we evaluated the long-lasting protection effect by measuring the transepidermal water loss (TEWL) at day 0 (D0), D7 and D14. Nineteen females (aged 25 to 69) with dry to very dry skin on the hands, and/or with an atopic tendency, used the 2 products on hands for 14 days (5 sprays on each hand 10 times a day). To avoid mixing from hand to hand, the products were spread with the opposite forearm. The right biceps corresponded to the untreated area. To assess the safety and the subjective efficacy of the LB after 21 days of use (as described for the TEWL), 20 subjects (95% female, aged 23 to 54) were included in an open intra-individual study under medical supervision, using a self-assessment questionnaire. All statistical analysis was performed with the Student t-test.
The LB was virucidal, bactericidal and yeasticidal by eliminating in 30 seconds more than 99.9% of enveloped viruses, bacteria, and yeast. In addition, skin barrier studies showed that the LB:
While disinfected hands, this breakthrough Lipo alcoholic Biphase protects the skin from alcohol-induced dryness, thanks to the combination of an immediate oily film formation and a long-lasting effect on skin barrier reinforcement, contrary to standard hydroalcoholic solutions. This product is of particular interest for very frequent daily hand washing, for people with a history of hand dermatosis as psoriasis, allergy, atopic dermatitis, chronic dermatitis.
COVID-19 hand hygiene measures for health care workers
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