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Photodermatoses: Clinic, diagnosis and treatment
Photodermatoses: Clinic, diagnosis and treatment
Medical review by Dr. Pierre Schneider, Dermatologist, Saint-Louis Hospital, France.
Dr. Pierre Schneider
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There are also so-called "idiopathic" photodermatoses for which it is known that they all require solar irradiation to occur, but the precise pathophysiology remains unknown.
Phototoxic Reaction:
In those dermatoses, exposure to sunlight either triggers the disease, causes new lesions to appear on the exposed skin, or aggravates pre-existing lesions. The most frequent are:
A deficiency in the skin’s protective system can lead to a phototoxic reaction and can be complicated by multiple early onsets of skin cancers.
Idiopathic photodermatoses all require solar irradiation to manifest but the pathophysiology remains unknown.
The diagnosis is based on asking questions to the patient, observing the appearance of the lesions, their histology, as well as the results of the photobiological exploration4, 12:
Bioderma Congress Reports JDP 2023
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